Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well Well Well here we are in the month of March! Hooray....Okay, so you want updates do you? Well lets see hmmmm..........Oh wait there is nothing to update on unless you want a bunch of depressing facts about me and how my life sucks sometimes. I mean after all who can be excited about an unknown future. LAME! So right now I am in class right now it's my marriage enhancement tonight and we are learning about intimacy right now. Yes, in other words we are discussing the forbidden "S" word. Just remember "Never treat your (spouse) as an object to be used for your own lustful desires or ego." --For the Strength of Youth. Well since I am very inexperienced in this topic I should probably be listening however I just really don't want to right now because well for those of you who know I have ADHD and about 10 minutes of class is all I can handle and then I check out. What else should I share for this fabulous week of March? I had a job interview at Jet Blue today. It will be a great opportunity if I get it. I will have the priviledge of working at home and being a reservations crew member. Those of you know or don't know I have a serious passion for traveling. This job allows me to fly standby for free and that excites me!!!!! Oh so I got offered a management position at the Hampton Inn here and Provo and well uh let's just say the boss had a huge crush on me. EW! He was like 45 and with children what a freakin creep. I quote from the mouth of Ted, "I don't know what it is but I am a normal person until I get around you and whenever I get around you I can't talk right you just do that to me...I mean it shouldn't be a problem cause your married and so am I." hahhahahha YEAH RIGHT SICK!!! Good thing he saw my ring and assumed I was married. Okay so that is so disturbing. Well now we are talking about sexual abuse in our class did you guys know that 1:3 girls and 1:5 boys have been sexually abused by the time they are 18 years old. Okay Ew. That's not including all of the unreported incidents. So whatever happened to the wonderful and beautiful utopia when Adam and Eve lived in Innocence? Well,  I guess were it not for the fall we wouldn't be here so unfortunately, we all just have to wait for world peace! Welp, I am signing out I got to listen.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

About Me

Hi Everyone! Well here I have a blog of my own due to an email received from the infamous Leigh Hrabik and after having received an order to create one of my own I chose to obey. Haha. The reason why I am reluctant to have a blog of my own is well HELLO I am 23 years old, engaged, attending BYU, jobless and well, what else is there to say about me?. BORING. haha. But since I DO enjoy looking at my family and friends (the few that I do have) and knowing updates on you all and needless to say, I  forget your blog websites all the time SO, I decided that having one of my own would allow me easy access into all of your lives;). Since trying to find your blog sites seemed like SO much work well, now I can just have a little link and in a click I can find you. YEAH! Well well well what else is there to say about me? I like long walks on the beach, looking in the mirror, laughing, and eating chocolate. So am I a bit vain? Well, YES of course in fact I saw the movie Step Up 2 last night and was so mad that we were going to see it. After all, honestly, how could a movie with a bunch of dancing and stomping around be any good? WOW was I judgmental and SO WRONG because it was like the most amazing movie ever and here is why I am informing you all about this because well.... since I am vain and I do enjoy looking in the mirror I decided that I have potential to become one of those dancers and concluded that this was the perfect new hobby for me and one that I could spend much time practicing in front of the mirror hahahha. Oh by the way if your a little freaked out and don't know me and my real character and that I am just a big goof well then just know that the whole stuff about being vain and loving looking in the mirror is totally a joke except I must admit when I get a new haircut I do become a little obsessed.