Sunday, February 17, 2008

About Me

Hi Everyone! Well here I have a blog of my own due to an email received from the infamous Leigh Hrabik and after having received an order to create one of my own I chose to obey. Haha. The reason why I am reluctant to have a blog of my own is well HELLO I am 23 years old, engaged, attending BYU, jobless and well, what else is there to say about me?. BORING. haha. But since I DO enjoy looking at my family and friends (the few that I do have) and knowing updates on you all and needless to say, I  forget your blog websites all the time SO, I decided that having one of my own would allow me easy access into all of your lives;). Since trying to find your blog sites seemed like SO much work well, now I can just have a little link and in a click I can find you. YEAH! Well well well what else is there to say about me? I like long walks on the beach, looking in the mirror, laughing, and eating chocolate. So am I a bit vain? Well, YES of course in fact I saw the movie Step Up 2 last night and was so mad that we were going to see it. After all, honestly, how could a movie with a bunch of dancing and stomping around be any good? WOW was I judgmental and SO WRONG because it was like the most amazing movie ever and here is why I am informing you all about this because well.... since I am vain and I do enjoy looking in the mirror I decided that I have potential to become one of those dancers and concluded that this was the perfect new hobby for me and one that I could spend much time practicing in front of the mirror hahahha. Oh by the way if your a little freaked out and don't know me and my real character and that I am just a big goof well then just know that the whole stuff about being vain and loving looking in the mirror is totally a joke except I must admit when I get a new haircut I do become a little obsessed.